When you’re looking for a home builder to build Your Dream Home, experience shows.

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Looking for a general contractor or home builder? GreenRose provides a meticulous and caring experience in building your dream space or home. From clean and clear demolition to a finished first-in-class home, we handle every aspect of your project.
Home builder kitchen renovation with GreenRose Enterprises
Do you have your own architectural plans? We can work with them. We’ll consult with your architect to take your home building plans from paper to finished home. At GreenRose, we can go from adding a room, to building a full home addition, including new construction from the ground up. As a premier home builder in New Jersey, we have the subcontractors and Design Team with expertise in every area.

How much does it cost to build a home? We can help with that. Our contractors and designers will meet with you to identify the raw and finishing materials. With a thorough understanding of your desires and needs, we offer you a wide variety of options. We will put together an estimate that gives you a good basis on which to proceed.

Not sure exactly what to choose for a cabinet or tile? Along the process, our interior design Team will work with you to identify what you need to make your house look like the home it was meant to be. We have a strong Design Team that can offer you options and opinions, should you need the help.

Before Image, Home Rebuild - GreenRose EnterprisesAfter image, house rebuild - GreenRose Enterprises
Green Rose Home Builder results
When you’re ready to build your dream house, GreenRose is the best team to consider. Our past work speaks for itself, along with the awards of recognition we have won.

We focus on the areas of north and central New Jersey. Our services are readily available in Essex County, Hunterdon County, Monmouth County, Morris County, Somerset County and Union County.

Ready to Build Your New Home?